This article discusses some of the remedies available when trade secrets are stolen and the duration you can obtain those remedies in the future. Determining the remedies for trade secret misappropriation is a complicated matter and highly dependent on the factual circumstances of each particular case.When a trade secret has been misappropriated or is at risk of misappropriation, a business can file a lawsuit to request a temporary or permanent injunction. If all of the elements can be established, then you have the right to obtain a preliminary injunction to stop trade secret misappropriation. We have litigated more than 100 trade secret cases in state and federal court. We represent plaintiffs and defendants. Plaintiffs have accused Defendants of breaching their contracts and stealing their trade secrets and copyrights to form a competing equestrian competition. A temporary injunction is a court order issued to prevent someone from doing something immediately, usually while a lawsuit or legal action is ongoing. If the case is filed in the Circuit Civil division, you may contact the Court Registry Clerk at: (954) 831-5659.