The Copyright Act allows the copyright owner to sue to recover several different kinds types of remedies: injunctions, damages and attorneys' fees. Free Consultation - Call 630-333-0333 - Lubin Austermuehle, P.C. helps companies with business matters in Intellectual Property and Copyright law.An innocent infringer is an infringer nonetheless. The defense only comes into play when calculating statutory damages for the infringement. Remedies for infringement: Injunctions. Requirements for injunctive relief). 2. The complaint should set forth clearly and concisely the specific facts that support injunctive relief. Our Chicago Trademark Infringement attorneys handle cases involving basic trademark infringement, as well as lawsuits. A temporary restraining order (TR0) is a form of injunctive relief that a person, business or government agency when starting a lawsuit. 6 The tendency of the courts has been in the direction of fuller protection for the purchaser of separate rights.