Crossdefendants also seek to strike the Prayer for Relief in the crosscomplaint for punitive damages. The following shall be stricken from the CrossComplaint: Paragraph 41 in its entirety (p.Once you have the right Answer form, you'll write in it what might be not true in the Complaint and what defenses that you might raise. A complaint or petition ends with a "prayer," which a statement of what monetary or other damages the plaintiff is requesting. WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs respectfully request: 1. The Agreement is not included in the Contra Costa Superior Court's public record. For the reasons stated in the companion order on Defendants' Demurrer, the Motion is DENIED as to the prayer for mandamus relief. Similarly situated, prays for relief as hereunder appears. The complaint alleges that the Board "is knowingly enforcing Labor Code § 108, et seq. ¶¶ 10, 14, and Prayer for Relief.