A cause of action for declaratory relief must show "actual controversy relating to the legal rights and duties of the respective parties. Based on the above, the People request injunctive relief against Defendants under.For the court to grant injunctive relief, the claimant must prove that without the injunction, they would suffer "irreparable harm. The Contra Costa County Probation Department is seeking qualified individuals to fill vacancies for the position of Juvenile Institution Officer I. County of Contra Costa et al, No. 19cv03247 - Document 36 (N. As a result, the Court disregards them. Obviously, it is now a real risk for plaintiffs in discrimination cases that they may end up winning, but be entitled to no damage award. Contra Costa County Office of Education ("CCCOE"). Petition for writ of mandate and complaint for declaratory and injunctive relief filed. Items of consequential damages under Civil Code section 1692 may include: interest on payments made to the seller, Potter v.