Injunctive relief for breach of contract is a legal remedy that restrains a party from doing certain acts or requires a party to act in a certain way. The first step to seek injunctive relief is to file your lawsuit in the appropriate county.Injunctive relief is always predicated upon showing a threat of irreparable harm and an absence of adequate legal remedies. This article discusses how to enforce a preliminary injunction or temporary restraining order (collectively, pretrial injunctive relief) in a federal case. To address breaches of fiduciary duty, commercial litigation provides several legal remedies. The most common remedy is monetary damages. Below we discuss the most common types of relief available for breaches of non-compete agreement or non-solicitation agreements. If a contract is breached, you may be able to claim monetary damages. A timely injunction can put the brakes on the bleeding enough to allow the parties to figure out what is going on. The Parties agree that damages may not be an adequate remedy for any breach of this Agreement.