Insert the civil action file number from the petition that was served on you. Then insert your name after the word "I, _____".The prayer for relief is the part of complaint where a plaintiff states the damages or other remedies it is seeking from the court in a lawsuit. That the Court enter the declarations requested herein. 2. Here you would copy the same heading from the complaint except change complaint to answer. I would also request a jury trial. Prayer for relief is not an allegation in the complaint which requires an answer and is not part of the plaintiffs' cause of action. SimmsBusch, and her children, have been and will continue to be irreparably harmed. Section 19-5-5, a divorce complaint must be "verified" meaning that the plaintiff swears the facts set out in the complaint are true and correct. Plaintiff brings this action to obtain full and complete relief and to redress the unlawful employment practices described herein. 2.