"Georgia dilution law neither requires a trademark to be famous nor demand the parties to be in competition. Trademark registration in Georgia can be completed with our help.Contact our Georgian lawyers for information if you need legal assistance. Read Section 10-1-451 - Injunctions against infringement; recovery of profits and damages; destruction or disposal of counterfeit trademarks; seizure, Ga. This article defines preliminary injunction, details its elements and the hearing process, and includes a sample motion to download. Any person who uses a trademark or service mark in Georgia may file an application for registration of that mark with the Office of the Secretary of State. View on Westlaw or start a FREE TRIAL today, Provisional Remedies: Obtaining Injunctive Relief Checklist (GA), Legal Forms. • A finding of infringement may result in an injunction but no monetary relief (unlike patent infringement). 5. Injunctive Relief – ABPN v. Com et al, Civil Action No. -cv-00069-TCB (N.