To start a case, you must use the Conciliation Court Claim Form. Filling Out the Form.If any of these situations apply to you, please fill out the Complaint Form below. An appeal may be filed orally or in writing. BEFORE YOU SUBMIT A COMPLAINT, PLEASE READ THE INFORMATION BELOW: Important: All legal claims have time deadlines. Here's a sample to help you write a complaint letter about a product or service. Apply for health care assistance, review health care options and learn about getting transportation to medical appointments. (3) The applicant must completely fill out these forms, sign them, and have his or her signature notarized if indicated. The wages of people who receive certain types of government assistance are exempt from garnishment if the person fills out an exemption form. (a) The complaint is frivolous, or there is no probable cause to believe that the violation of law alleged in the complaint has occurred.