There is no fee required to file a Petition for Injunction for Protection for Domestic Violence, Repeat Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Violence or Stalking. You have the right to file a petition to ask the court to issue an injunction to protect you against violence.In addition, injunctions can now be filed electronically at the Hillsborough County Courthouse, sheriff's office, and The Spring of Tampa Bay. Pursuant to Section 60.08, Fla. Stat, the Attorney General is not required to post a bond to obtain permanent injunctive relief under Section 501.207, Fla. Our seasoned team of Tampa stalking injunction lawyers is ready to help. It is not designed to be complete in all material respects as each dispute rises and falls on its own set of facts. An injunction (sometimes referred to as a restraining order) is a court order that tells one person to stay away from and not contact another person. Eviction Diversion Program – Before filing a court case, landlords and tenants can use a free mediation service to resolve their disputes. The judge called the south Floridabased real estate company's 40year Homeowner Benefit Agreements "unconscionable."