To report complaints about DHS Services, call the DHS Help Line 800-843-6154 (voice), 866-324-5553 (TTY). Consumer Fraud Helplines 1-800-386-5438 (Chicago) 1-800-243-0618 (Springfield) 1-800-0618-0607 (Carbondale).Individuals with hearing How to fill out the Illinois Department of Public Health Complaint Form? Illinois Legal Aid Online provides a guided interview called an Easy Form that will help you fill out the forms. The preferred method for submitting a concern is through our online submission form as it allows for more direct, timely receipt and review of your concerns. We will waive the 180-day requirement in cases where we believe there was good cause for the late filing. Open the OCR Complaint Portal and select the type of complaint you would like to file. Complete as much information as possible, including:. If the Secretary of IDHS upholds the decision which you appealed, you may file a complaint about administrative review in the circuit court.