This practice note outlines the steps you should take while preparing for and conducting preliminary injunction hearings on behalf of plaintiff employers. The DTSA gives American companies the opportunity to protect against and remedy misappropriation of important propriety information in federal court.Under section 1836(b)(3)(B) of the DTSA, a party can recover injunctive relief, monetary damages, and attorney's fees. Once it receives the expected signature from the President, the DTSA will create a federal private cause of action for misappropriation of trade secrets. When there is a misappropriation, our team helps clients act quickly and aggressively to limit any harm and reassert control over their trade secret material. (granting a preliminary injunction for misappropriation of trade secret gloves). Misappropriation of trade secrets. Upon these facts, Reid affirmed the trial court's award of injunctive relief and damages. For injunctive relief to prevent actual or threatened misappropriation of trade secrets. CUTSA, which authorize a district court to grant a preliminary injunction "to prevent any actual or threatened misappropriation" of a trade secret.