If you believe you have an employment service or an employment-related law problem, you may submit a complaint to DES and the Department of Labor. To report a crime or request a call for service please contact 911.Provide feedback on your experience with a homelessness service provider. Please complete the Student Complaint Form to submit non-instructional complaints. The volunteers of the Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department serve over 90,000 hours annually in the parks and along the trails. The Human Resources Division (HR) works as a strategic partner with the City of Maricopa leadership team to improve processes, align policies and training. § 15-816.01, please fill out the above form. To justify its mugshot posting practice, the County asserts that its posts promote transparency in the criminal legal system. Submitting an online complaint form is the best way to ensure an efficient response to your complaint. Reach your goals with Maricopa Community Colleges.