To sue someone in Massachusetts, you have to file a complaint with the clerk of the court. A complaint is not a specific form.Talk to the health care facility where you got your care. A good first step is to bring your concern directly to the facility where you are getting care. The function of the COMPLAINT is to tell the Court and defendant the reason for filing the lawsuit and what relief you desire. You can file a quality-of-care complaint to the Massachusetts Division of Healthcare Quality at 617-753-8150 or to the Joint Commission at 800-994-6610. To file a complaint, use this table to determine the most appropriate agency to send your complaint to. Send a letter detailing the incident(s). To initiate a complaint about a college or university operating in Massachusetts, please complete and submit the complaint form below. You also can file a complaint directly with the MA Attorney General Office (AG) about serious healthcare or financial issues in a nursing home.