You may complete the online form and an Ombudsman can assist you with completing the US Department of Health and Human Services required forms. If you would like to file a complaint via hard copy, please call us on our consumer assistance line at (919) 716-6000, and we will mail you a complaint form.Find out how to reach your Clerk of Court and other offices and representatives in Mecklenburg County. You are required to keep the Court advised of your current address and contact phone number. Also fill out the certificate of service with the date on which you intend to mail a copy to the opposing side and sign it. The certificate of service is. Feel free to call our consumer assistance line at (919) 716-6000 should you need help completing the form. Before You File a Complaint. Wish to file a complaint? This part of the booklet explains where to sue, which complaint form to use, how to fill in the proper legal forms, how to file the claim, and how to get the.