NRS 598.777 Buyer's action for recovery of damages or injunctive relief; attorney's fees; punitive damages. NRS 598.782 Criminal penalty.(a) Motions for injunctive relief, including temporary restraining orders and preliminary and permanent injunctions;. A plaintiff must allege something more to create a reasonable inference that a subscriber is also an infringer. Defendants to prevent them from engaging in deceptive acts or practices in violation of Section. A plaintiff must allege something more to create a reasonable inference that a subscriber is also an infringer. Injunctions are a form of legal remedy that orders someone to stop doing something wrongful, backed up with the threat of fines or jail time. In federal court, a copyright owner may seek a preliminary or permanent injunction to prevent or restrain future or ongoing civil copyright infringement. IOG transacts or has transacted business in the District of Nevada. 6. Common law fiduciary duties in the partnership agreement.