Trademark Forms and Fees ; Mark Registration Form This contains the instructions and form used to register Service Marks, Trademarks and Trade Names. This lesson introduces you to the rules governing the award of injunctive relief in actions for trademark infringement.This article defines preliminary injunction, details its elements and the hearing process, and includes a sample motion to download. A temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction must not be issued without at least 5 days' notice to the opposite party. 3. Mark registrations and related filings can be submitted via SilverFlume, or to our Las Vegas Office via mail, fax or drop-off. This article considers these questions in light of case decisions and a statistical analysis of requests for preliminary injunctive relief in trademark cases. This means that no one else can use a similar mark that may cause confusion in the marketplace. (5) The attorney associates an active member in good standing of the State. Bar of Nevada as attorney of record in the action or proceeding. Injunctions are a form of legal remedy that orders someone to stop doing something wrongful, backed up with the threat of fines or jail time.