This Ohio defamation law guide will cover essential definitions of Ohio defamation law, including what is considered defamatory in Ohio. Ohio law makes clear that a cause of action for libel must be commenced "within one year after the cause of action accrued.Choosing whether to grant temporary injunctive relief is up to the discretion of the court. That was either 'defamatory per se' or caused damage to the plaintiff's reputation. A declaratory judgment is an equitable remedy in the nature of an injunction. Say we think a new book is going to libel us, and we ask a court for a preliminary injunction against the book's publication. Say we think a new book is going to libel us, and we ask a court for a preliminary injunction against the book's publication. Category I: Small Claims. Of Ohio, but specifically denies that venue is proper. You may have a civil claim to assert for defamation.