Complaint Forms, Licensed Health Care Facility Complaints, Complaint Form for Unlicensed Health Care Facilities, Office of Medicaid Program Integrity. The Navigator can assist you in completing court documents and can give you procedural information for most family law and county civil actions.The Florida Office of Attorney General's COMPLAINT HOTLINE is active. Complete a complaint form and send it to the Palm Beach County Medical Society, Ethic's and Judicial Committee 3540 Forest Hill Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33415. 345 South County Road. Com, and create an account to submit a complaint. The Internal Affairs Unit is located on the third floor of the police facility at 600 Banyan Boulevard, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401. To discuss any medical symptoms or conditions contact your physician or other healthcare professional. By signing in or creating an account, some fields will auto-populate with your information.