The following five forms are required to file an Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence with or without minor Children. The following is a summary of the information and process when filing for an Injunction for Protection.In Florida, you must complete specific forms, such as 12.940(d), for modifying or dissolving a temporary injunction. Clerk Office Locations in Palm Beach County where you can file your injunction: Palm Beach County Courthouse 205 North Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the first document filed in the action or proceeding. (except small claims cases, probate, or family cases). Complaint and Request for Injunction. Download. This document is a verified complaint filed in circuit court against the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections. All actions material to the Complaint have occurred within four (4) years of the filing of this lawsuit. 4. , within Palm Beach County and elsewhere in the.