(561) 227-6464 You can also call PALM BEACH COUNTY CRIMESTOPPERS at 1-800-458-TIPS (8477) or visit the Crime Stoppers website. Below is a list of forms that you may download for free from our website.You can file a dispute with the Palm Beach County Consumer Affairs Division. Complete a complaint form and send it to the Palm Beach County Medical Society, Ethic's and Judicial Committee 3540 Forest Hill Blvd. Use this page to report what appears to you as a possible violation of controlled substances laws and regulations. If your loved one is refusing to get help and has a clear problem with addiction, court-ordered rehab programs in West Palm Beach may be right for you. Attorney General Ashley Moody said, "Florida is losing thousands of people to drug overdose deaths every year. How do I obtain a copy of police report? She had arrived in South Florida from Illinois just more than a year before she died, seeking treatment for her addiction. HCA Florida JFK North Hospital respects the dignity and pride of each individual we serve.