Access forms for misdemeanor and traffic tickets, protective orders, civil lawsuits, small claims, evictions, and more. You can use AZTurboCourt to electronically file a new case or documents into an existing case in Pima County Superior Court.1 Any member of the College Community may contact ODR to report or initiate a Complaint about any form of Discrimination or. The removing party must file and identify the following separate attachments to the Notice of Removal: (1). To file a report or complaint through the Hotline service: Complete an online Complaint Form; Call toll-free at 1-855-503-8072. ¶5 The County's complaint (the "Complaint") sought declaratory and injunctive relief on a variety of grounds. Laura Berglan, Acting Attorney General, SBN 022120. Office of Attorney General. The position of the jail supervisor has assumed an importance that was not recognized even ten years ago. GURRERI Mr. Gurreri asked the public to rise, and all repeated the Pledge. MITRICK.