The prayer is especially important when the case turns on an issue that gives the court more than one option for the type of judgment to enter. Here you would copy the same heading from the complaint except change complaint to answer.I would also request a jury trial. The ACS is a sample survey sent to 3.5 million households annually, rather than a complete enumeration of every household in the United States. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, New York and Connecticut respectfully request that this Court enter judgment against EPA as follows: 1. A prayer for relief is when an attorney asks the court to do something to fix the problem for her client: asking for money to repair the damage. Plaintiff has no adequate remedy at law for the threatened injury. Pray in a group, that is a case for injunctive relief. You may fill them out at home or at the courthouse. This is an action for breach of contract and declaratory relief arising out of and relating to the COVID19 global pandemic. 2.