By telling us when things have gone right or when they've gone wrong, we can continue to improve our service. Fill out our complaints or commments form.If you've already made a complaint and wish to escalate your concern, fill out our contact form here. We welcome complaints and see them as an opportunity to improve the services we offer to the community. Read our full complaints handling procedure here. If your complaint relates to care and treatment you received from an NHS Trust, you can contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) to raise concerns. CalFresh households have until January 8, 2025, to report food loss. This can be done on BenefitsCal. If you would like to submit a complaint online, please complete the form below and press the submit button to send it directly to our PALS team. Riverside County has a Timely Reporting Waiver due to recent Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS).