Plaintiffs sought injunctive relief to end the encroachment and restore the hillside strip to its original condition, among other remedies. • Complete and file a "No Trespassing.Please take a moment to fill out the attached Trespass Arrest Authorization form for your location. Civil self-help is designed to provide information and forms for people who are representing themselves in court. The suit allows the plaintiff to obtain temporary or permanent injunctive relief from a court if their argument is successful. A dedicated Riverside attorney from the Law Offices of Ty Martinez can help you seek a modification or negation of this order in a court of law. "Injunctive relief is a situation where a wrongdoer has harmed someone, such as someone continually trespassing on their land. § 233, and seeks declaratory and injunctive relief, as well as monetary damages including rent abatement. Can police remove trespassers? Execution of instruments necessary to carry out purposes of gift. 214.