The San Diego County Superior Court issues Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO) in the County of San Diego. General Relief provides temporary cash assistance for eligible county residents who have no other means of support.Diego's obligation to complete PERB administrative proceedings. Plaintiffs operate a business with three different locations in San Diego called. Problems out of jail, SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE, Oct. These documents will be limited to those with a statute of limitations deadline, emergency injunctive relief, and notices of appeal. News 8 reached out to the San Diego Unified School District on October 25, 2021, but they do not comment on pending lawsuits. The first step to seek injunctive relief is to file your lawsuit in the appropriate county. You are invited to review the materials and complete the feedback forms. In southern California, its newspapers include, among others, the Los Angeles Times and San Diego UnionTribune.