Here you would copy the same heading from the complaint except change complaint to answer. I would also request a jury trial.At the end of the complaint is the Plaintiff's request for relief or what the Plaintiff desires to get from the court. The prayer for relief is a part of a complaint where the person who is suing (called the plaintiff) tells the court what they want the court to do to help them. Below is a sample civil complaint for negligence which should give you a good idea of how to draft your own lawsuit alleging negligence. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for the following relief: (a) Judgment entered in favor of Plaintiff and against Defendant on Counts. (1) The action shall be filed in the United States District Court for the District of. The prayer is especially important when the case turns on an issue that gives the court more than one option for the type of judgment to enter. You must include a statement as to what you want the court to do, such as asking the court to dismiss the case. This is called a prayer for relief.