It is illegal for anyone to possess a prohibited weapon under A.R.S. 13-3102(A)(3). In the state of Arizona, a person in the unlawful possession of a firearm is called a prohibited possessor.The law has four felonies for unlawful possession, Class 2, 3, 4, and 6. A class 6 felony is the lowest in the felony architecture. Misconduct with a weapon is set forth in Arizona Revised Statute 13-3102. There are multiple means to commit misconduct with a weapon. In the City of Mesa AZ, a person may be in violation Section 6-1-15 Weapons offense laws if they willfully or neglectfully discharge a gun within city limits. In Arizona, ARS § 133101 categorizes certain firearms and explosive devices as prohibited, and owning these can lead to serious legal consequences. It is unlawful to carry a firearm concealed within the immediate control of any person in or on a means of transportation if under 21 years of age. The prospective buyer fills out the required form, and the FFL sends that information to the FBI.