In Phoenix, possession of drug paraphernalia is a Class 6 felony. A conviction for a Class 6 felony carries a presumptive sentence of one year in prison.In Arizona, "Possession of Drug Paraphernalia," is defined in Arizona Revised Statute 13-3415 as unlawful for a person to use or possess. Under Arizona law, the possession of drug paraphernalia is considered a class 6 felony. Arizona law makes using or possessing drug paraphernalia with the intent to use it (ARS 133415) a class 6 felony charge, carrying up to two years in prison. Under ARS §13-3415, possessing drug paraphernalia is a criminal offense in Arizona, and the law reaches a broad range of materials. If an object sold legally is later used for consuming, producing, or storing illegal drugs, it becomes unlawful paraphernalia. Lack of Knowledge or Criminal Intent: The State must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, knowing possession of drug paraphernalia. Possessing drug paraphernalia in Arizona is a class six felony, the lowest in the felony chain, but still a severe charge. 1. Possess or use a dangerous drug.