Wrongful interference with a contractual relationship requires_____________ , a third party who__________ , and that same third party who ______. Tortious interference is a legal theory intended to allow parties to contract to fulfill contractual obligations without thirdparty interference.Three elements are necessary for wrongful interference with a contractual relationship to occur. Wrongful interference with a contractual relationship occurs when:1) A valid and enforceable contract exists between two parties. If a third party unfairly interferes with a business contract or relationship and causes damage, a tortious interference claim may be a viable option. Interference can occur when an outside party purposefully leads someone in a business agreement to break the terms of the agreement. Tortious interference with business relations involves a third party using false claims against a business in order to drive business away. Defendant is liable for actual damages or difference in value of chattel pre – post trespass. The contract necessary to form a physicianpatient relationship can be express. (e.g.