Wrongful interference with a contractual relationship requires_____________ , a third party who__________ , and that same third party who ______. Wrongful interference with a contractual relationship requires _, a third party who _, and that same third party who_.Wrongful interference with a contractual relationship requires the existence of an Intentional Act, Contractual Relationship, and Damages. Wrongful interference with a contractual relationship requires that there is a valid contract between two parties, a third party who knows the contract exists. Wrongful interference with a contractual relationship requires the existence of ___, third party ____, and ____. Information in a passive way."18. The employer-employee relationship is considered a con- tractual relationship,29 regardless of the existence of a formal written contract. United States, 419 N.E.2d 228 (Ind. Is there an alternative tortious action, or must the plaintiff rely solely on his contractual rights? 3 Tortious Interference Business Expectancy.