Physical possession - when you fall down drunk, you "possess" the floor. 2. In your affidavit, you must show that you have been wrongfully put out of your apartment.What is adverse possession? Distinction between trespass and nuisance: Trespass protects interests in possession of the land, while nuisance protects the use and enjoyment of the land. Filled out and copies to file at the Clerk's office on the Court date for your Ex Parte Application for Stay Hearing. 5. NRS 40.240 Forcible detainer defined; recovery of possession following forcible detainer; treble damages. However, U.S. federal law still classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, which means it is illegal under federal law. "Possession is never 'adverse' within the meaning of the 1980 Act if it is enjoyed under a lawful title. However, U.S. federal law still classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, which means it is illegal under federal law. Fill Out The Application Online.