If you were wrongfully accused of household violence, call a lawyer to defend yourself against false accusations in Virginia domestic violence cases. In Virginia, you have remedies available for false CPS reporting.Read more from Melone Hatley, P.C. about child protective services reports. Examples of these types of charges are Petit Larceny, Embezzlement, Filing False Police Report, and Identity Theft. Call our office or take a moment to fill out our online contact form to get started protecting your rights today. Examples of these types of charges are Petit Larceny, Embezzlement, Filing False Police Report, and Identity Theft. Unfortunately, you can face false accusations and possible wrongful convictions because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The first step in the expungement process is determining if you are eligible for an expungement of the charge. What Is the Crime of Forgery? Northern Virginia's judges, criminal defense lawyers, and family law attorneys have seen plenty of false domestic violence allegations.