If you have violated Fairfax gun laws and have been charged, contact a Fairfax lawyer with a knowledge of common defenses for help with your case. It is illegal to conceal certain weapons.Call a lawyer for guidance regarding possession of a prohibited dangerous weapon in Fairfax. If you are facing any of the common Virginia gun charges, contact a skilled gun attorney to understand your potential penalties and begin your defense. Under Virginia Code § 18.2-308.4, it is illegal to possess a gun while in possession of illegal controlled substances classified as Schedule I or II drugs. If you face Virginia gun charges, seek the counsel of a Fairfax gun lawyer. Any unlawful injuries you cause with a weapon will be yours to deal with in a prosecution. Beware of being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm. No state permit is required to otherwise purchase or possess a rifle, shotgun or handgun. Police Chief Kevin Davis said police and prosecutors want to stop people convicted of felonies from illegally carrying guns in the county.