Possession of Drug Paraphernalia is one way to resolve a Posession of Marijuana charge. Discuss your options with an attorney at DSK Law. 703-248-0626.Our legal experts will educate you on your rights and contest criminal charges for a charge reduction, dismissal, or favorable outcome. The attorneys at The Sprano Law Firm, PLLC in Fairfax are skilled in presenting all possible defenses to possession of marijuana cases in Northern Virginia. Simple marijuana possession is unlawful but does not result in criminal charges. Virginia Code Section 18.2-250 is the statute that criminalizes unlawful drug possession. Such paraphernalia is illegal under Virginia law. Additionally, it is unlawful to sell or advertise drug paraphernalia in Virginia. Not prescribed to the student, or imitation drugs; or possession or distribution of drug paraphernalia shall result in the following actions (so long as such. Charged in Virginia with drug possession or distribution?