When an individual other than an employer intentionally interferes with another individual's employment relationship, and causes them to lose their job. Concealment of a material fact with the intention to deceive and mislead supports an action for fraud.O.C.G.A. 51-6-2 (a). Both California contract law and tort law allow for legal action when a third party wrongfully interferes with a contract or ongoing business relationship. Wrongful or tortious interference with contracts happens when a thirdparty intentionally causes a contracting party to commit a breach of contract. Tortious Interference With an Advantageous Business Relationship . Tortious Interference With an Advantageous Business Relationship . . . . . . . . . . . . 713. N. "Wrongful Discharge" Claims in Unionized Setting . For the sports fans out there, this is essentially the business world version of an antitampering policy. If they do give a reason, the law does not require that it be the truth or the complete truth.