The purpose of a Conviction Review Unit (CRU) is to identify, remedy, and prevent wrongful convictions. Our CRU conducts an initial screening process.A criminal defense attorney help you complete the petition which can be sent to the State Attorney's OfficeConviction Review Unit, 419 N. The new Conviction Review Unit is a special division within the state attorney's office to prevent and identify wrongful convictions. You have legal options if you have been brought up on false criminal charges. No two cases are the same. If you are wrongly accused and charged with a crime in Florida, understand your rights, do research, and contact a lawyer to defend you. If there is a Disposition hearing in Hillsborough County, the State Attorney has filed charges brought against a defendant and we often help to reduce them. The Hillsborough state attorney's conviction review unit has collected close to 300 petitions in two years from defendants who claim innocence. Here in Tampa and throughout Hillsborough County, it's a common concern among parents embroiled in family law disputes.