Do you now or have you in the past six months before today, owned or possessed any firearms or firearm ammunition? (Please initial correct statement).The Florida state restricts weapon possession in a diversity of contexts. It is also required to have a license, permit or certificate for firearm possession. 790.23 Felons and delinquents; possession of firearms, ammunition, or electric weapons or devices unlawful. If you are facing a weapons charge, contact our Miami gun charge attorneys at (305) 330-1360 today! A person may face a weapons charge from carrying a concealed weapon without a license or being in possession of a firearm when it is illegal for you to do so. If so, then it's in your best interest to contact a weapons crimes attorney such as John Terrezza from Terrezza Law. The authority to carry and use firearms in the course of public service is an enormous responsibility. Laws on Purchase, Possession and Carrying of Firearms.