When you rent your home you must follow the terms outlined in your lease. If you violate the terms of your lease, your landlord may choose to evict you.Taking possession of a property without an order of eviction subjects you to potential liability under Michigan law for a wrongful eviction. According to Michigan law, there is no time frame in which a person can leave property and it be considered to be property abandonment. Usually abandoned property requires some sort of notice. As in: " if you don't pick up your stuff in 30 days, I will put it outside ". Do I have to remove an abandoned vehicle or vessel when law enforcement is present, or can I just give law enforcement the VIN, HIN or serial number? When it comes to tenant abandonment, Michigan has specific laws in place regarding how a landlord should handle this situation. Most squatters are removed from properties long before reaching the 15 year milestone through legal eviction proceedings. Michigan law establishes "dormant periods" for different types of property.