The tenant has caused destruction or damage to the property willfully or through gross negligence. We can provide you with samples of court forms that are available.• We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms. If you are caught with drugs and are charged with the intent to distribute or sales in a school zone or in a car, you are looking at even more serious charges. Being charged with possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose means potential exposure to a lengthy term of imprisonment in New Jersey State Prison. Our Middlesex County slip and fall lawyers are committed to helping people who have been injured due to defective property conditions pursue fair compensation. New Jersey eviction laws to evict a tenant vary from court to court, but they still follow the same general eviction process. Any individual who is caught with a handgun without a New Jersey permit will be charged with unlawful possession. This is a second degree crime. The attorneys at Marshall Criminal Defense defend individuals charged with drug and CDS offenses in Middlesex County.