If you have been charged with unlawfully possessing a firearm, it is important to hire an attorney who is experienced with Nevada's gun laws. Nevada law prohibits anyone who has been convicted of a felony from owning or possessing a firearm.Doing so is a category B felony under NRS § 202.360. It is unlawful to control or actually possess a firearm while intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance. There are no restrictions on carrying a firearm in a vehicle in the state of Nevada. The form that you will have to fill out to petition for an order for protection will have a place where you can request additional protections. Being a convicted felon in Nevada not only carries a stigma but also deprives a felon the right to own, possesses, have custody or control of a firearm. Since voters in Nevada passed a background checks initiative in 2016, legislators in the state have enacted several significant gun safety laws. The only way for a felon to own a gun in Nevada is to obtain a pardon. Like federal law, in Nevada, a convicted felon is not permitted to own a gun.