What is a "judgment for possession"? A "judgment for possession" means your landlord won a case against the you and can file a writ of restitution.In New York State, an eviction of a tenant is lawful only if an owner has brought a court proceeding and obtained a judgment of possession from the court. Unlawful evictions (also known as lockouts or self-help evictions) are illegal. All tenants have the right to stay in their home unless they choose to leave. Marijuana crimes are distinct offenses codified in New York Penal Law Article 221. In New York, squatters can gain legal rights to live in a property after occupying it for a certain period of time. If you have received a notice from a marshal that you are to be evicted you must come to court as soon as possible. Under New York law drug possession can refer to the possession of any of number of drugs labeled controlled substances. Knowingly possessed a specific weapon on or about a certain date in a specific county and did so with intent to use that weapon unlawfully against another.