Your lawyer will also figure out whether you were subjected to any unlawful searches or seizures that led to the arrest. We represent people facing paraphernalia charges, whether for possession, delivery or manufacture, in courts in Palm Beach, Broward and Miami-Dade Counties.Florida Statute 893.147. We are aggressive West Palm Beach possession with intent to sell lawyers that will seek for your charges. In the War on Drugs, if you are accused of being a drug dealer, you are in the crosshairs of the government. Marijuana Possession is the unlawful possession whether on the person or otherwise of Cannabis or Marijuana in any form. Types of Drug Possession Cases We Defend; Drug Possession Penalties in Palm Beach Gardens; Will Drug Paraphernalia Charges Show Up on My Record? Florida drug laws not only cover unlawful possession and use of controlled substances, but also objects used to take drugs and enable illegal drug activity.