The Conviction and Sentencing Integrity Unit "CSIU" accepts petitions alleging actual innocence, procedural error, misconduct and erroneous sentencing. The best initial defense against false accusations is to stay calm and silent.Employee complaints may be filed with the involved employee's supervisor or, if the supervisor is not known, the complaint may be filed with Internal Affairs. If you have been charged with a domesic violence crime, contact our Tucson and Pima County criminal defense lawyers at 520-220-5047 for a free consult. Adverse action taken against an individual for 1) making materially false, badfaith statements or Frivolous allegations in the course of. POLICE CONTACTS: List all incidents in which you were cited, arrested, accused or charged with a crime other than traffic violations. In 1985, Larry Youngblood was wrongly convicted of child molestation, sexual assault, and kidnapping. He was later exonerated in 2000. Attorney in Tucson, Arizona helping to educate clients about their gun rights and to defend against criminal weapons charges. Call us at 520-485-7143.