Counterclaims must state when and how any required notices were sent to the landlord and what the notices were about. Text for S.47 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): John D. Dingell, Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act.The Texas Records Exchange System (TREx) is a webbased application designed for the exchange of electronic student records and transcripts. An apiary is defined as one (1) or more hives, stands, boxes or other structures, natural or otherwise, containing bees. My work focused on civil litigation matters in the Liability Management Section ("LMS" ) of the Arizona Attorney General's Office. Whether there is any order to the effect that retrenchment in the Postal and Railway Mail Service, Punjab Circle, should be made on communal. This young man took pictures, said he would fill out a report, then asked me if I had cleaning supplies.