A skilled attorney will help you understand your rights, assess the situation, and develop a defense strategy to fight against false accusations. We have years of experience defending clients against these unfair and unjust acts and would be honored to help restore your innocence as well.Learn about what to do when someone makes false statements against you and if you have a case. Request a New York City false accusations lawyer today. The Conviction Integrity Unit ("CIU") reviews past convictions where there are credible claims of actual innocence or wrongful conviction. The Division of Human Rights complaint form is available at the below link. You may use this form to file and submit your complaint online. PCJU was named the Post-Conviction Justice Unit to embrace the fact that convictions are not always "right" or "wrongful. We know how devastating false charges can be, and we're here to guide you through this difficult time with compassion and fierce legal advocacy. After the indictment, the defendant is arraigned in the New York City Criminal Court.