In your affidavit, you must show that you have been wrongfully put out of your apartment. Unlawful evictions (also known as lockouts or self-help evictions) are illegal.All tenants have the right to stay in their home unless they choose to leave. The most basic form or possession is to have illegal substances on your person, either in your hand, pocket, or otherwise concealed. Contingent upon the degree of Unlawful Possession of Personal Identification Information, the crime is either a misdemeanor or a felony offense. Knowingly possessed a specific weapon on or about a certain date in a specific county and did so with intent to use that weapon unlawfully against another. The Court held that the defendant was not entitled to a temporary and lawful possession of a weapon charge because he used the weapon in a dangerous manner. An owner may commence a summary proceeding for possession of an apartment for a breach of the lease. 16, Section 5B, "Order to. To sublet means that the tenant is temporarily leaving the apartment and therefore is transferring less than the entire interest in the apartment.