A Writ of Possession will be issued from the court and deliver the Writ to the Sheriff's Department to proceed with the lockout. As their name implies, they are a means of recovering possession from someone who is wrongfully occupying a property.The eviction process in California can be lengthy and costly. We review all of the steps involved in the process and what it might cost you as a landlord. If the tenant fails to comply with the notice, the landlord can file an unlawful detainer lawsuit with the Sacramento County Superior Court. The landlord should always require a prospective resident to fill out a rental application and may collect a fee to cover the costs to screen an applicant. One requirement squatters must meet to make an adverse possession claim is a hostile possession. This is their second eviction attempt. During the first I wasn't named in the complaint and after we received the. Prejudgment Claim Of Right Of Possession Form.