Utah's drug distribution laws penalize the selling, transportation, and illegal import into the State of unlawful controlled substances. J. Peterson Law, PLLC has experience in fighting charges involving marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, prescription drugs and more.What Are The Laws That Address Drug Trafficking In Utah? Can A Passenger Be Charged If Drugs Are Found In The Vehicle? Norml– This organization targets marijuana law reformation and lessening of drug laws on a national level. We encourage everyone to be informed of the laws governing and risks associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. REFERENCES. Child endangerment violations; and; Furnishing alcohol to minor children. We encourage everyone to be informed of the laws governing and risks associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. REFERENCES. Norml– This organization targets marijuana law reformation and lessening of drug laws on a national level. In Utah it is unlawful and illegal for an individual to knowingly possess marijuana.