Residents can contact the San Diego Police Department non-emergency line at 619-531-2000 to request a residential firearm pick-up. It takes an experienced, seasoned criminal defense attorney such as Anna R. Yum to successfully defend an accused individual against firearm possession charges.Section 29800 applies to convicted felons, people convicted of certain specified Misdemeanor crimes, and anyone addicted to a narcotic drug. If you can get a felony conviction reduced, you may be able to get your right to own or possess a firearm reinstated. Generally, all firearms purchases and transfers, including private party transactions and sales at gun shows, must be made through a California licensed dealer. If you have been charged with illegal possession of a firearm, contact a San Diego gun crimes lawyer. At RJT Criminal Lawyer, we have the experience to help. CCW applications are submitted online. Who is the best illegal possession of weapons criminal lawyer in San Diego, CA to help me? Make sure firearm is legal in California, then fill out the form.