Judges know that an assault charge has the potential to be a false charge. Jury selection in a trial involving false accusations is therefore crucial.Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly. When someone files a discrimination complaint, CRD evaluates the facts and decides whether to accept the case for investigation. Call our San Jose law firm at (408) 266-5291 or (408) 891-2546 (en Español) to speak with us regarding your false accusations of domestic violence. Examples of what the Whistleblower Hotline can investigate include the following: Misuse of City Funds: Using City funds for an unauthorized purpose. The acts that you may be accused of include battery, assault, criminal threats, false imprisonment, and weapons crimes. Where Are Criminal Cases Heard? If you are the victim of a false accusation of domestic violence in California, take action. Here are three steps you can take to beat it.